So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. COLOSSIANS 2:6-7
MAY 30 – JUNE 1, 2025
The countdown to DNOW is on!
Guest Speaker

Guest Worship
“DNow” stands for Disciple Now. In its simplest form, a Disciple Now weekend is a retreat for a youth ministry. While many do some form of a retreat for students, there are a few distinctions that provide a unique environment for your students to grow spiritually:
- Discipleship Oriented
- Host Homes & Small Groups
- Church/Community Focused
- Service Opportunities
DNow Weekends point students deeper into relationship with Jesus and deeper into relationship with their peers by bringing the gospel into their lives.
DNow is designed for students ages 12 – 18.
Event Info
May 3 – 5 – 2024
200 W Broadway Spiro, OK 74959
Checkin begins Friday at 4:30 PM, & ends Sunday after the main service.
D-Now starts in...
D-Now Info
For Parents
Early registration is $40 per student if paid by April 19th. The registration fee per student is $55 after April 19th.
*Every student needs to submit a Medical Release Form. If you have already submitted one in 2024 you can bypass the Medical form (link at the bottom of this page) and go directly to the D-Now registration form. Registration is not complete until your online registration is submitted.
What To Bring
• Sleeping Bag
• Pillow
• Towel
• Bible
• Pen
• Toiletries
• Recreation and Casual Clothes
• Bring extra clothes because of the heat.
• Remember to hydrate several days in advance!
• Extra Deodorant (middle school boys pay attention!)
• One bag of chips, cookies, soft drink
• A good attitude and desire to grow closer to Christ and each other.
Student Guidelines
• We know your behavior over the weekend will be respectful to people and property.
• You are a guest in the home of your host family. Be responsive to requests and suggestions. If you break something in the host home you will be responsible for paying for the damages.
• You will need to participate in all aspects of Disciple Now Weekend, including meals and recreation.
• You will not be allowed to leave the home of your host family unless you have arranged this with Justin and your Bible Study Leader in advance.
• Do not bring video games and/or game systems.
• “Pranking” supplies are not permitted.
• Alcohol, drugs, fireworks, and weapons are prohibited, of course.
• You will be assigned to a host home and Bible study leader on Friday night. There will be no switching homes or leaders
There will be Community service projects, lots of game time, as well as teaching and worship sessions.
Check in time starts at 4:30 Friday, May 3rd. End time is Sunday after the main service.
We must have a student medical release on file for each student before they can register for D-Now. If your student has already submitted a Spiro FBC Medical Release form for 2024, simply click on “Register For D-Now” to bypass the Medical Release form. Thank you!